Notational velocity app osx
Notational velocity app osx

notational velocity app osx

For example: flight and hotel information for an upcoming trip my shirt size for fitted, button-up shirts some recipes lists and references for random things (such as some favorite Supply Decks in Dominion) and more.) They are made up of just about any tidbit of information which is relevant or important right now, or which I may want to access when on the go. (Of course, my database of notes is comprised of much more than just ideas and reference material for pending articles. And that always starts out in Simplenote (on iOS) or nvALT (on OS X). To give a brief overview of my writing workflow, most articles start out as ideas and/or collections of information.


If I had to, I could do those things from any of my 3 devices - iPhone, iPad, or Mac - at any given moment because everything important is pretty much in sync and accessible at all times. The broad strokes of my job here at include reading, writing, and publishing.


Today, thanks to The Cloud, a huge part of my personal and professional workflow is underpinned by the syncing of my everyday data like documents, bookmarks, notes, and tasks. And my iPhone, Mac, and iPad have had shared notes ever since. I used it for a few months until, in January 2010, Notational Velocity added Simplenote sync. The first Mac client for Simplenote I used was a Dashboard widget called Dashnote. (And it has come a long way since those early days of an icon that pictured a high-school locker with a yellow sticky note.) It may sound rough compared to what we are used to today, but compared to what it was like back when our notes were drowning in skeuomorphic legal pads and Marker Felt, Simplenote was a glorious, cutting-edge breath of fresh air. At first, the only non-iPhone access to our Simplenote notes was via the Web app. The initial appeal of Simplenote over Apple’s Notes app was two-fold: (a) Helvetica and (b) cloud sync.

notational velocity app osx

And I can think of no higher priority for finding a great app than when looking for the one which will hold my digital brain. But a great app encourages regular use the same way a crummy app discourages it. Simplenote is invaluable to me because of the notes it holds. If you’ve got a repository for where all your “stuff” lives, then you know what I mean when I say if I had to pare the apps on my iPhone down to just one, Simplenote would be the app left standing. Some folks live and breath in Evernote, others with a different notes app which syncs via Dropbox. There are many options for those of us who have important bits of information we want to write down and have available to us regardless of if we’re with our iPhone, iPad, or Mac. This, of course, isn’t the sort of thing that only Simplenote can handle. Notes, ideas, information - just about anything relevant or important to me right now - is stored inside Simplenote. And it’s the app I rely on the most because it’s where my “digital brain” lives. Aside from Apple’s Messages and Phone apps, I don’t think any single app has been on my first Home screen for longer.

notational velocity app osx

To say I’m a fan of Simplenote would be like saying I kinda like coffee. And I’ve been using the latter ever since. I used Apple’s own Notes app until 2009, which is when I learned of Simplenote.

notational velocity app osx

My history with iOS notes apps is briefly recounted.

Notational velocity app osx